Other Material
These are the videos of a series dedicated to introduce the main features of PyTables in a visual and easy to grasp manner. More videos will be made available with the time:
HDF5 is for Lovers, SciPy 2012 Tutorial: a beginner’s introduction to PyTables and HDF5.
Here are the slides of some presentations about PyTables that you may find useful:
HDF5 is for Lovers, SciPy 2012 Tutorial, July 2012, Austin, TX, USA, slides (pdf), video, exercises, solutions, and repository.
An on-disk binary data container. Talk given at the Austin Python Meetup, Austin, TX, USA (May 2012).
Large Data Analysis with Python. Seminar given at the German Neuroinformatics Node, Munich, Germany (November 2010).
Starving CPUs (and coping with that in PyTables). Seminar given at FOM Institute for Plasma Physics Rijnhuizen, The Netherlands (September 2009).
On The Data Access Issue (or Why Modern CPUs Are Starving). Keynote presented at EuroSciPy 2009 conference in Leipzig, Germany (July 2009).
An Overview of Future Improvements to OPSI. Informal talk given at the THG headquarters in Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA (October 2007).
Finding Needles in a Huge DataStack. Talk given at the EuroPython 2006 Conference, held at CERN, Genève, Switzerland (July 2006).
Presentation given at the “HDF Workshop 2005”, held at San Francisco, USA (December 2005).
I and II Workshop in Free Software and Scientific Computing given at the Universitat Jaume I, Castelló, Spain (October 2004). In Catalan.
Presentation given at the “SciPy Workshop 2004”, held at Caltech, Pasadena, USA (September 2004).
Slides of presentation given at EuroPython Conference in Charleroi, Belgium (June 2003).
Presentation for the “iParty5” held at Castelló, Spain (May 2003). In Spanish.
Talk on PyTables given at the PyCon 2003 Convention held at Washington, USA (March 203).
White Paper on OPSI indexes, explaining the powerful new indexing engine in PyTables Pro.
Performance study on how the new object tree cache introduced in PyTables 1.2 can accelerate the opening of files with a large number of objects, while being quite less memory hungry.
Paper version of the presentation at PyCon2003.
Other sources for examples
The examples presented above show just a little amount of the full capabilities
of PyTables.
Please check out the documentation and the examples/
directory in the
source package for more examples.