"""Utilities for PyTables' test suites."""
import os
import re
import sys
import locale
import platform
import tempfile
import unittest
from time import perf_counter as clock
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import numexpr as ne
from packaging.version import Version
import tables as tb
from tables.utilsextension import which_lib_version
hdf5_version = Version(tb.hdf5_version)
blosc_version = Version(which_lib_version("blosc")[1])
blosc2_version = Version(which_lib_version("blosc2")[1])
verbose = os.environ.get("VERBOSE", "FALSE") == "TRUE"
"""Show detailed output of the testing process."""
heavy = False
"""Run all tests even when they take long to complete."""
show_memory = False
"""Show the progress of memory consumption."""
def parse_argv(argv):
global verbose, heavy
if "verbose" in argv:
verbose = True
if "silent" in argv: # take care of old flag, just in case
verbose = False
if "--heavy" in argv:
heavy = True
return argv
zlib_avail = which_lib_version("zlib") is not None
lzo_avail = which_lib_version("lzo") is not None
bzip2_avail = which_lib_version("bzip2") is not None
blosc_avail = which_lib_version("blosc") is not None
blosc2_avail = which_lib_version("blosc2") is not None
def print_heavy(heavy):
if heavy:
print("""Performing the complete test suite!""")
Performing only a light (yet comprehensive) subset of the test suite.
If you want a more complete test, try passing the --heavy flag to this script
(or set the 'heavy' parameter in case you are using tables.test() call).
The whole suite will take more than 4 hours to complete on a relatively
modern CPU and around 512 MB of main memory."""
print("-=" * 38)
def print_versions():
"""Print all the versions of software that PyTables relies on."""
print("-=" * 38)
print("PyTables version: %s" % tb.__version__)
print("HDF5 version: %s" % which_lib_version("hdf5")[1])
print("NumPy version: %s" % np.__version__)
tinfo = which_lib_version("zlib")
if ne.use_vml:
# Get only the main version number and strip out all the rest
vml_version = ne.get_vml_version()
vml_version = re.findall("[0-9.]+", vml_version)[0]
vml_avail = "using VML/MKL %s" % vml_version
vml_avail = "not using Intel's VML/MKL"
print(f"Numexpr version: {ne.__version__} ({vml_avail})")
if tinfo is not None:
print(f"Zlib version: {tinfo[1]} (in Python interpreter)")
tinfo = which_lib_version("lzo")
if tinfo is not None:
print(f"LZO version: {tinfo[1]} ({tinfo[2]})")
tinfo = which_lib_version("bzip2")
if tinfo is not None:
print(f"BZIP2 version: {tinfo[1]} ({tinfo[2]})")
tinfo = which_lib_version("blosc")
if tinfo is not None:
blosc_date = tinfo[2].split()[1]
print(f"Blosc version: {tinfo[1]} ({blosc_date})")
blosc_cinfo = tb.blosc_get_complib_info()
blosc_cinfo = [f"{k} ({v[1]})" for k, v in sorted(blosc_cinfo.items())]
print("Blosc compressors: %s" % ", ".join(blosc_cinfo))
blosc_finfo = ["shuffle", "bitshuffle"]
print("Blosc filters: %s" % ", ".join(blosc_finfo))
tinfo = which_lib_version("blosc2")
if tinfo is not None:
blosc2_date = tinfo[2].split()[1]
print(f"Blosc2 version: {tinfo[1]} ({blosc2_date})")
blosc2_cinfo = tb.blosc2_get_complib_info()
blosc2_cinfo = [
f"{k} ({v[1]})" for k, v in sorted(blosc2_cinfo.items())
print("Blosc2 compressors: %s" % ", ".join(blosc2_cinfo))
blosc2_finfo = ["shuffle", "bitshuffle"]
print("Blosc2 filters: %s" % ", ".join(blosc2_finfo))
from Cython import __version__ as cython_version
print("Cython version: %s" % cython_version)
except Exception:
print("Python version: %s" % sys.version)
print("Platform: %s" % platform.platform())
# if os.name == 'posix':
# (sysname, nodename, release, version, machine) = os.uname()
# print('Platform: %s-%s' % (sys.platform, machine))
print("Byte-ordering: %s" % sys.byteorder)
print("Detected cores: %s" % tb.utils.detect_number_of_cores())
print("Default encoding: %s" % sys.getdefaultencoding())
print("Default FS encoding: %s" % sys.getfilesystemencoding())
print("Default locale: (%s, %s)" % locale.getdefaultlocale())
print("-=" * 38)
# This should improve readability whan tests are run by CI tools
def test_filename(filename):
from importlib import resources
return resources.files("tables.tests") / filename
def verbosePrint(string, nonl=False):
"""Print out the `string` if verbose output is enabled."""
if not verbose:
if nonl:
print(string, end=" ")
def allequal(a, b, flavor="numpy"):
"""Checks if two numerical objects are equal."""
# print("a-->", repr(a))
# print("b-->", repr(b))
if not hasattr(b, "shape"):
# Scalar case
return a == b
if (not hasattr(a, "shape") or a.shape == ()) and (
not hasattr(b, "shape") or b.shape == ()
return a == b
if a.shape != b.shape:
if verbose:
print("Shape is not equal:", a.shape, "!=", b.shape)
return 0
# Way to check the type equality without byteorder considerations
if hasattr(b, "dtype") and a.dtype.str[1:] != b.dtype.str[1:]:
if verbose:
print("dtype is not equal:", a.dtype, "!=", b.dtype)
return 0
# Rank-0 case
if len(a.shape) == 0:
if a[()] == b[()]:
return 1
if verbose:
print("Shape is not equal:", a.shape, "!=", b.shape)
return 0
# null arrays
if a.size == 0: # len(a) is not correct for generic shapes
if b.size == 0:
return 1
if verbose:
print("length is not equal")
print("len(a.data) ==>", len(a.data))
print("len(b.data) ==>", len(b.data))
return 0
# Multidimensional case
result = a == b
result = np.all(result)
if not result and verbose:
print("Some of the elements in arrays are not equal")
return result
def areArraysEqual(arr1, arr2, *, check_type=True):
"""Are both `arr1` and `arr2` equal arrays?
Arguments can be regular NumPy arrays, chararray arrays or
structured arrays (including structured record arrays). They are
checked for type and value equality.
t1 = type(arr1)
t2 = type(arr2)
if check_type and not (
(hasattr(arr1, "dtype") and arr1.dtype == arr2.dtype)
or issubclass(t1, t2)
or issubclass(t2, t1)
return False
return np.all(arr1 == arr2)
class PyTablesTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def tearDown(self):
for key in self.__dict__:
if self.__dict__[key].__class__.__name__ != "instancemethod":
self.__dict__[key] = None
def _getName(self):
"""Get the name of this test case."""
return self.id().split(".")[-2]
def _getMethodName(self):
"""Get the name of the method currently running in the test case."""
return self.id().split(".")[-1]
def _verboseHeader(self):
"""Print a nice header for the current test method if verbose."""
if verbose:
name = self._getName()
methodName = self._getMethodName()
title = f"Running {name}.{methodName}"
print("{}\n{}".format(title, "-" * len(title)))
def _checkEqualityGroup(self, node1, node2, hardlink=False):
if verbose:
print("Group 1:", node1)
print("Group 2:", node2)
if hardlink:
node1._v_pathname != node2._v_pathname,
"node1 and node2 have the same pathnames.",
node1._v_pathname == node2._v_pathname,
"node1 and node2 does not have the same pathnames.",
node1._v_children == node2._v_children,
"node1 and node2 does not have the same children.",
def _checkEqualityLeaf(self, node1, node2, hardlink=False):
if verbose:
print("Leaf 1:", node1)
print("Leaf 2:", node2)
if hardlink:
node1._v_pathname != node2._v_pathname,
"node1 and node2 have the same pathnames.",
node1._v_pathname == node2._v_pathname,
"node1 and node2 does not have the same pathnames.",
areArraysEqual(node1[:], node2[:]),
"node1 and node2 does not have the same values.",
class TestFileMixin:
h5fname = None
open_kwargs = {}
def setUp(self):
self.h5file = tb.open_file(
self.h5fname, title=self._getName(), **self.open_kwargs
def tearDown(self):
"""Close ``h5file``."""
class TempFileMixin:
open_mode = "w"
open_kwargs = {}
def _getTempFileName(self):
return tempfile.mktemp(prefix=self._getName(), suffix=".h5")
def setUp(self):
"""Set ``h5file`` and ``h5fname`` instance attributes.
* ``h5fname``: the name of the temporary HDF5 file.
* ``h5file``: the writable, empty, temporary HDF5 file.
self.h5fname = self._getTempFileName()
self.h5file = tb.open_file(
def tearDown(self):
"""Close ``h5file`` and remove ``h5fname``."""
self.h5file = None
Path(self.h5fname).unlink() # comment this for debug only
def _reopen(self, mode="r", **kwargs):
"""Reopen ``h5file`` in the specified ``mode``.
Returns a true or false value depending on whether the file was
reopenend or not. If not, nothing is changed.
self.h5file = tb.open_file(self.h5fname, mode, **kwargs)
return True
class ShowMemTime(PyTablesTestCase):
tref = clock()
"""Test for showing memory and time consumption."""
def test00(self):
"""Showing memory and time consumption."""
# Obtain memory info (only for Linux 2.6.x)
for line in Path("/proc/self/status").read_text().splitlines():
if line.startswith("VmSize:"):
vmsize = int(line.split()[1])
elif line.startswith("VmRSS:"):
vmrss = int(line.split()[1])
elif line.startswith("VmData:"):
vmdata = int(line.split()[1])
elif line.startswith("VmStk:"):
vmstk = int(line.split()[1])
elif line.startswith("VmExe:"):
vmexe = int(line.split()[1])
elif line.startswith("VmLib:"):
vmlib = int(line.split()[1])
print("\nWallClock time:", clock() - self.tref)
print("Memory usage: ******* %s *******" % self._getName())
print(f"VmSize: {vmsize:>7} kB\tVmRSS: {vmrss:>7} kB")
print(f"VmData: {vmdata:>7} kB\tVmStk: {vmstk:>7} kB")
print(f"VmExe: {vmexe:>7} kB\tVmLib: {vmlib:>7} kB")
from unittest import makeSuite as make_suite
except ImportError:
def make_suite(test_case_class, *, prefix=None):
loader = unittest.TestLoader()
if prefix:
loader.testMethodPrefix = prefix
return loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(test_case_class)